
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Appliances.... Oh how I dislike thee

For a while now we have been milking the life out of our dishwasher.  One day months ago I walked into the kitchen only to find my feet were wet. It took me a while to figure out where the water was coming from but finally diagnosed it as the dishwasher.  For a while it was only an on and off issue, now it is an every time you wash issue.  Okay I can handle that with some towels.  Now it has stopped releasing the wash tablets.  Now I would LOVE a brand new one but we have a tight budget around here with my husband being the only source of income.  I will be hitting the local Habitat for humanity's out.  I absolutely love their stores!  We bought our patio door there for $25!  If that isn't a deal I don't know what is.

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