
Monday, September 5, 2011

Facebook Tip – Don’t “Unlike” a Page, Create a List

To the fellow bloggers & businesses trying to get fans for their Facebook page: Don’t “Unlike” a page just to clear it from your news feed.  I admit that I was frustrated with the number of posts taking up space in my news feed.  It was difficult to see what my friends were posting.   I didn’t want to unlike anyone & the option to hide posts from pages are now limited to hiding one post at a time.  What to do?

Create a List.  Go into your Accounts>Edit Friends page.  You will see a button in the upper right that says “+ Create a List”.  Click that button.  A pop up will appear showing your list of friends, then your pages.  Create a list name in the upper left, then select the pages or friends that you want to be part of that list.  Once you’re done selecting your list click the “Create List” button on the lower right.  Create a list for pages, networking groups, friends, etc.
Once you have created your list(s) you can select the list from your news feed where it says “Most Recent”.  A drop down list will appear.  Towards the bottom you will see the lists you created. 

Thanks for posting this Bearable deals (I as well saw this earlier this week and couldn't remember who posted it or find it again)

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