
Sunday, October 9, 2011

While I was away

I have been a busy momma with my Little Monkeh and doing things around the house/yard. I accomplished getting the gutters back up and cleaning them out. Been using the snot out of my new sweing machine. I made a few cloth diapers for her hiney some doll cloth diapers (I still have to get the pattern right on those though.) made some fleece pants. I have had the computer back for a little bit but for the most part have been staying offline during the day to be with my little one. I have been loving it and may continue to do so.
Being a Stay At Home Mom as many will say has its difficulties but is the most rewarding Job I have ever had. We have been working on learning a lot new things, I am trying to get her to start saying the alphabet. We are trying to get her to say trick or treat, so precious comes out as tic tor teet. All that being said my posts that will come in the morning will be scheduled posts unless I know of something pretty good :) and of course at naptime and after Monkeh goes to bed.
I am very happy with the schedule we have been on the past 2 weeks while I was computerless things in our house have seemed to stay in a great order with it and I don't want to mess up a good thing. Bad news is the leaves are changing around here which means I will be spending LOTS of time doing the daily leaf clean up :( Which I dislike with a passion, they seem to be never ending.

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